Many Health Benefits of Green Tea


Many Health Benefits of Green Tea
As you may know, the benefits of green tea are abundant and far-reaching. Green tea is used by many to lose weight, improve cardiovascular condition, or simply as a preventative health measure. Bottom line, studies show that those who drink green tea enjoy a longer, healthier life. The general benefits of green tea may include:

  • Lowers total cholesterol and LDL (bad)-cholesterol levels
  • Increases HDL (good)-cholesterol levels
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Acts as "blood thinner"
  • Reduces the risk of cancer
  • Reduces the risk of heart attack
  • Decreases the risk of stroke
  • Decrease the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis
  • Protects against Parkinson's disease
  • Enhances immune function
  • Acts as an antibacterial and antiviral agent
  • Helps burn extra calories
  • Prevents dental cavities and gum disease
  • Builds stronger bones
  • Boosts longevity

Green Tea - Increase Metabolism Naturally

A University of Geneva medical study showed that over a 24-hour period, green tea extract increases the metabolic rate by 4%. This increase in fat oxidation was higher than in subjects who used a placebo or caffeine. In addition, this stimulation of thermogenesis and fat oxidation by the green tea extract was not accompanied by an increase in heart rate. Thus, green tea extract has a distinct advantage over stimulant diet drugs, which can have adverse cardiovascular effects, especially for obese individuals with hypertension and other cardiovascular complications. The Green Tea 300 Weight Loss System provides a safe way to burn fat for healthy weight loss.

Green Tea - Suppress Appetite Safely

Scientists at the University of Chicago have found that green tea caused rats to lose up to 21 percent of their body weight. Rats injected with a green tea extract lost their appetites and consumed up to 60 percent less food after seven days of daily injections. The lead scientist on the study explained that a person would have to drink green tea almost constantly to obtain these results. Thus, the Green Tea 300 Weight Loss System was designed to provide the constant supply of high potency green tea needed to achieve these weight loss results.

Green Tea and Polyphenols

Green Tea is the #1 source of polyphenols, chemical compounds found in fruits and vegetables. These extremely high levels of polyphenols deliver green tea's unique results in several ways. Just one example is a subgroup of polyphenols, exclusive to green tea, called catechins. EGCG, the most abundant and powerful of green tea's 5 main catechins, is dubbed the 'super antioxidant' because it is 200 times more powerful than the popular antioxidant vitamin E. This super antioxidant eliminates free radicals, the unstable molecules in the body that are the major cause of both aging and disease, which are continually attacking the body. Unfortunately, polyphenols have a quick life span (short half life) of about 3 hours, thus the scientific reason behind researchers' recommendation to drink green tea a minimum of 8 times a day.

So try green tea today to take advantage of what many people have already discovered and live a happier healthier life.

10 Amazing Facts About Green Tea

Green Tea has many health benefits and is rightly now considered to be a superfood. Many reports and research show that there are some incredible properties contained in green tea, which can help to cure or prevent some serious health conditions.

1. Green tea can help to stop the growth and spread of cells that cause cancer. Research has also suggested that because Japan has a comparatively low rate of cancer, it could be down to drinking tea.

2. Tea can be a weight loss aid as there are no calories in tea without milk. When combined with a healthy diet and exercise, drinking tea can be a good way to lose weight.

3. Tea can help to prevent diabetes, as it stops as much sugar being broken don, and being absorbed into the blood stream. For those with diabetes, it can also reduce the risk of cataracts.

4. Tea is very effective at thinning the blood, in fact, as effective as aspirin. This means that it can be a good alternative to taking medication on a daily basis in order to thin the blood.

5. Antioxidants contained in tea can help to prevent arthritis. The antioxidants block the enzymes which attack and destroy the bones. For those people who already have arthritis, drinking green tea can help to lessen the effects, and make the condition less painful.

6. Tea is believed to have anti aging properties. The Japanese have one of the longest life expectancies in the world, and this is partly attributed to drinking green tea. In addition, there are many new anti-aging beauty products that include tea extracts.

7. The growth of bad bacteria in the body can be slowed down by drinking this tea. This helps to speed up the growth of good bacteria, and can even help prevent viral strains of clostridia and E. coli.

8. Drinking tea helps to lower cholesterol, and can help to widen the arteries reducing the risk of heart disease.

9. Drinking around 4 cups of tea a day can help slow down tooth decay as tea contains fluoride which is important for the health of teeth.

10. Tea has around half the caffeine of coffee, which means that it can be drunk all day long without the drinker experiencing the effects of drinking too much coffee.

In order to get the health benefits of green tea, it needs to be made properly. Steeping it for too long, or not long enough, or using water at the wrong temperature can dramatically affect the taste of the tea. If you don' like the taste of the tea, then you're less likely to drink it. Why not purchase some green tea, and enjoy the taste and the amazing health benefits of green tea today?


More information on the benefits of green tea can be found at Free trials of green tea patches and instant beverages are available while supplies last. Find out the benefit of green tea for yourself today. And, learn more about the new superfood – the amazon super berry – acai. Acai may be the most nutritious and powerful food in the world. MonaVie is the next generation of health food.

Discover your perfect Green Tea and make it properly in the amazing Tea Machine, at
With a wide range of black teas, white teas and herbal infusions, as well as tea gift packs, you're bound to find an exciting new tea to try.
Why not sign up to the Tea Club, and learn more about tea, as well as receiving some incredible special offers on teas and related products?

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