If the baby is exposed to flu

If the baby is exposed to flu

Jakarta, when the baby with the flu often fussy and hard to eat or drink. This is because the baby is uncomfortable with the conditions of the nose and head dizzy.

The best treatment to overcome the flu is to rest and eat enough water, it is also true for infants with flu. How can more often provide drinking bottle containing milk, water or water mixed with honey.

As quoted from babycenter, Thursday (22/10/2009) if the baby is allowed to accept solid foods try to give him a piece of fruit or it may be to give additional fluid soups or broth that is easier to digest baby.

Sometimes it is difficult or the baby would not drink the water contained in bottles, to try to give it fed by a spoon slowly. The most important thing is that there are still nutrients into the body of the baby so as not to aggravate the condition and still improve their immune system.

When flu strikes, the baby will feel uncomfortable because of his body heat and sometimes blocked nose. Should try to ask your doctor what medications should be used to reduce pain, such as acetaminophen. It is important to remember is do not give a baby aspirin unless there is a prescription from a doctor, because aspirin can trigger Reye's syndrome.

Try to refrain from using antibiotics which only kill certain bacteria. While the flu is usually caused by a virus, so antibiotics will not be useful. Usually antibiotics are given if the infant had a second infection by the bacteria, but after conducting some tests first.

There are some signs that indicate that the baby must be taken to the doctor is

    1. If a baby younger than 6 months and up to fever heat 38.3 degrees celsius.
    2. Babies older than 6 months and a hot fever reaches 39.4 degrees Celsius.
    3. Fever lasted for more than 3 days.
    4. No experience reduction in cough for a week.
    5. Showing signs of dehydration.
    6. Pain returned after recovering from the flu.

Babies who catch the flu will require more intensive treatment than adults. If the baby feels difficult to breathe, there is no harm in using a vaporizer that can make a baby breathing becomes easier and help to be able to sleep peacefully.
Source: health.detik.com

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