Bodybuilding For Ectomorphs - Diet and Nutrition Tips For Ectomorphs

Bodybuilding For Ectomorphs - Diet and Nutrition Tips For Ectomorphs
Since the ectomorph, or hardgainer, struggles to gain weight and muscle mass, their diet and nutrition plan needs to take a different approach to the bog-standard stuff you see in most of the magazines which is really not designed with the ectomorph in mind.

The secret to successful bodybuilding for ectomorphs is in controlling their high metabolic rate through correct nutrition and meal planning and focusing on increasing their protein intake in order to see sustained muscle growth.

Below are 3 diet and nutrition factors that will get you on the road to success of bodybuilding for ectomorphs.

Increase Your Daily Calories

This may come as somewhat of a surprise to you, since I'll bet you already think you eat a lot already, right? You're probably the biggest eater among your friends, and can eat pretty much anything you want without putting on weight. While this may make some folks jealous, you find it frustrating since you really want some extra weight and muscle mass.

Well, the fact is that you are either still not eating enough, your meal times are irregular, or you are eating the wrong the kinds of foods (or a combination of all 3).

Successful bodybuilding for ectomorphs is all about getting a huge number calories into your system every day...this will help to ensure your metabolism stays consistent, but more importantly keeps regular supplies of nutrients and energy flowing to your muscle tissue which will enable them grow much faster.

As a daily calorie goal, multiply your current body weight in pounds by 24. This will give you a rough estimate of the amount of calories you should be consuming in order to see sustained muscle growth and weight gain.

Increase Your Meal Frequency

Increasing meal frequency is also vitally important. Splitting your meals into 6 per day instead of the usual 3 will again enable your metabolism to stay level and help you to reach your daily calorie goals.

It also ensures that your muscles are adequately prepared and refreshed before and after your ectomorph bodybuilding workouts.

Increase Your Protein Intake

Muscles themselves are protein. So it makes sense to increase your daily protein intake in order to increase your muscle size and quality.

As a rule of thumb, a bodybuilding for ectomorphs diet should aim to consume around 1 - 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be aiming to get around 150 - 225 grams of protein per day. As much as possible should come from natural sources and nutritious food.

There is so much talk about protein powders and shakes these days, that one could be forgiven for thinking that the only way to succeed is to choose the right powder.

However, successful bodybuilding for ectomorphs can be achieved by not actually using any protein supplements whatsoever. This is more difficult since you will have to consume more foods that are naturally high in protein, like nuts, beans, lean meats, and eggs, but it can be done.

Protein powders are there in order to "supplement" your daily diet, and make protein consumption easier and more convenient. If you do choose to use protein powders to gain muscle mass, I would recommend that you use a natural protein like 100% Whey and opt for a protein isolate rather than a protein concentrate. Isolates have a higher protein content than concentrates, around 90-95% as opposed to 75-80%.

In conclusion, the reason that most folks fail to gain weight and build muscle is that they are often following the wrong advice. Just because a diet and routine worked great for the other folks down the gym, doesn't mean it will work for you. If your body type is different to theirs then the routine and meal plans are not gonna help you reach your full potential.

You need a bodybuilding for ectomorphs routine and meal plan that is designed for your body type and proven to work for other ectomorphs and hardgainers - Bodybuilding For Ectomorphs Diet.

Essential Body Building Tips For Ectomorphs

Ectomorphs are inherently skinny people. If you're an ectomorph it means you have a small frame and can probably fit your thumb and middle finger around your opposite wrist and then some. Most ectomorphs are also pretty long and lean. They have fast metabolisms which makes gaining weight difficult because they burn so many calories at a resting rate. That said, ectomorphs are able to put on weight if given enough time.
Here are some good workout basics for ectomorphs:
1. You need to go to the gym at least three times a week. I recommend this because it'll give you time to recover but will also allow you to consistently hit your muscles. You don't need to do a split because you should be able to recover faster with your faster metabolism.
2. Use compound lifts with good form, medium reps and medium sets. That means you should work in the 4-6 rep range and do 3-5 sets per exercise. I don't recommend doing too many exercises because that's just overkill. You probably shouldn't spend more than 45 minutes in the gym on any given day. But when you do go you have to make sure you're killing yourself and breaking a sweat.
3. The ectomorph needs to condition his nerves so that he can be more effective in lifting weights. That means when starting out you'll actually want to do fewer reps and work on building up neurological paths so that your muscles can all fire at the same time when lifting a heavy weight. This is essential to your workout plan and I recommend doing this for a week or two every six weeks.
4. Do not neglect your lower body. A lot of people neglect their lower body and never do squats or anything like that. You're just hurting yourself; not only will you be weaker, but your overall gains will be halved and you'll actually see a decrease in the rate at which you build upper body muscle also. That's because lower body exercises, specifically squats, are stressful and cause the body to release hormones which can help rebuild tissue at a faster rate.

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